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The modern way
to invest

Custom design your portfolio

Financial strength and resilience are critical for a good life. We believe the best way to build long-term wealth is a customized portfolio of hundreds of securities specifically designed for your needs and precisely managed to maximize after-tax return.
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Evergreen Team Picture

Our fiduciary duty

As a fiduciary, our financial advisors have a duty to put your interests ahead of our own.

Our team works directly with you to create an integrated strategy for your investments. Then, we build, monitor and manage your portfolio using purpose-built tax optimization technology.

Can tax harvesting increase after-tax return by 30% or more?

See the research

How much can tax harvesting increase your after-tax return?

the evergreen process

How to build your wealth

We balance three objectives – asset allocation to maximize return, diversification to minimize risk, and tax optimization to reduce taxes – using technology that deploys your strategy with exacting precision.
The best way to invest

The modern way to invest

We believe custom portfolios are an effective way for many affluent investors to build long-term wealth. It’s taken 200 years to progress from stockbrokers, to mutual funds, to index funds, to the ideal of individualized investing.
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Keep more of what you earn

Tax rates on investment income are often 35% to 50% for high-income taxpayers in high-tax states. Studies show that tax-reduction strategies can boost after-tax return by more than 1% each year.

What’s best for you?

For many investors, diversified ETFs are good investment options. But if you have investments of a half million or more, consider a customized tax-managed portfolio. Our advisors can show you how it works.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Evergreen Wealth’s advice apart?
Are you a Robo advisor?
What is the initial deposit required?
Why do I need a bank account for your investment product?
What services are included?
How is your tax loss harvesting different?
Why is your diversification different?
Why do you hold individual stocks vs. mutual funds or ETFs?
Where are the advisors located?
How do I add funds to my accounts?
What is the advisory fee?
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Join the new
generation of wealth

Talk to an Advisor
$250,000 minimum deposit for investments. See terms.