Savings page Hero Background

A smart way
to save

Optimize every dollar

Saving is the foundation for investing. All your cash should earn high yield all the time. At Evergreen, your money moves instantly at the touch of a button between high-yield checking and high-yield savings. We believe that’s the best way to save.
Technology Image
Optimize every dollar picture
High Yield Checking

4.00% APY1 on checking

If you’re like most high-income households, you’ve got tens of thousands sitting in your checking accounts earning next to nothing unless you move it somewhere else. Try Evergreen and get high yield checking with access to ACH, Wires, ATMs, Apple Pay®, and a beautiful matte black Visa® debit card. And we don’t charge fees of any kind.
$25,000 minimum deposit for bank accounts. See terms.
Evergreen App and Credit card picture
Image is for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of actual client portfolio results
Every dollar CTA Background

Every dollar counts

Saving is the first step towards a better future for you and your family. You work hard for your money and your money should work just as hard for you. Try Evergreen and optimize every dollar.
$250,000 minimum deposit for investments. See terms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my cash FDIC insured?
Are you a bank?
What is the initial deposit required?
What is the current Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on the checking and savings account?
What does Evergreen charge for its services?
Savings page CTA Background

Join the new
generation of wealth

$250,000 minimum deposit for investments. See terms.